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Online Forms

Application to Register a Food Premises

The Food Act 1984 regulates the sale of food for human consumption in Victoria. All businesses that sell food and drink for human consumption must be registered with or notify the Council in which their business operates or is primarily located.

Regulatory requirements are matched to the level of food safety risk associated with food handling activities at the premises.

Proprietor Details

Is the proprietor a company or association?
Your authority to submit this application on behalf of the company, for example 'Director of Company'
Your legal business name, not the Trading Name

Postal Address

All correspondence will be sent to this address

Premise Details

Street Address

Trading Details

Do you sell tobacco?
If yes, is it from a vending machine?
Do you have a Liquor Licence?
This is the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) number

Trading Hours

Is your business open by appointment only?
Day of the Week Trading Hours

Business Details

Will your food premises ONLY handle and sell low risk pre-packaged foods?
This includes community groups that conduct basic sausage sizzles

Class 1

Is food being prepared or served exclusively for people in any of the following?

Class 2

Food premises selling or handling unpackaged food requiring temperature control.

Which of the following options best describes your food business?

Class 3

Food premises selling or handling unpackaged food that does not require temperature control and/or pre-packaged food requiring temperature control.

Which of the following options best describes your food business?

Class 4

Food premises whose food handling activities pose a low risk to public health.

Class 4 food businesses must notify council of their food operations but are not required to obtain formal registration.

Which of the following options best describes your food business?
Are you a community group?
A community group is a group of people undertaking a food handling activity solely for the purposes of raising funds for charitable purposes or a not for profit organisation.
Is your community group operating for more than 2 consecutive days?

Home Based Food Business

For example at markets or festivals, delivered to customers, food will be picked up from the home.

Food Safety Program

Class 1 food premises

Does your food business have a current independent food safety program (FSP)?
Limited to 30MB. Only image files, Microsoft Word Documents and PDFs are accepted.

Class 2 food premises

Which Food Safety Program you will be using?

Class 3 food premises only

Do you acknowledge that you will ensure that the appropriate Food Safety Guide or Program required under the Food Act for the premises will be kept?

Food Safety Supervisor

Please Note: A food safety supervisor is not required if the food premises has a declared QA food safety program that includes competency based or accredited training for staff of the premises or is a community group that operates for two consecutive days or less.


Limited to 30MB. Only image files, Microsoft Word Documents and PDFs are accepted.
I will provide a copy of the certificate of competency separate to this application
Do you acknowledge that you will ensure that there is an appropriate food safety supervisor for the premises?

Temporary Food Premises or Food Vehicle

If your community group or business intends to operate from a temporary or mobile food premises for example a market stall, food van, truck or cart then you will also need to register on Foodtrader

Once registered with Council and Foodtrader, your Food Act Registration is recognised at festivals, markets and events state wide. You will need to lodge a Statement of Trade (SOT) for each event online via Foodtrader. Foodtrader is also the registration system for water carter and vending machine businesses trading in Victoria.

Do you sell from a temporary food premises?
For example market stalls, coffee carts or unregistered trailers
Do you sell food from a registered food vehicle?
For example a food truck, water carting truck, van or trailer
For example open or closed, food trailer, refrigerated van, self-contained van, truck or vehicle

Food vehicle details

List multiple if applicable
Registration Number Make Model
Is your food vehicle garaged in Ballarat?

Food Vehicle Garage Address

Note: Food vehicles must be registered via the Local Government Authority in which they are garaged, please contact the relevant council to arrange. This does not affect your application for a fixed premises in the City of Ballarat so please continue your application.


This will be required to process your application and should include all rooms, equipment, furniture and dimensions. Please refer to the Food Business Information Kit for further information on what is required. Limited to 30MB. Only image files, Microsoft Word Documents and PDFs are accepted.
I will provide the floor plan of the premises separate to this application
Applicants please note:
  • You cannot trade or prepare food at the premises until an Environmental Health Officer has inspected the premises and a certificate of Food Act Registration is issued to you.
  • Payment of the prescribed registration fee is required to complete your application. The prescribed fee is determined based on the details within your application, following submission of your application you will be sent a schedule of fees via your nominated email address.


  • The information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge
  • This application is a legal document and penalties exist for providing false or misleading information
  • This initial registration may be less than 12 months, if so a pro rata fee will be charged

Collection Statement

Your personal information is being collected by City of Ballarat for the purpose of processing your application to register a food premises in accordance with the Food Act 1984. Your information will be stored in Council’s Customer Database and used to identify you when communicating with Council and for the delivery of services and information. For further information on how your personal information is handled, refer to Council’s Privacy Policy at