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Online Forms

Application for a Permit to Install or Alter a Septic Tank System

NOTE: You may require a Planning Permit for the construction or alteration of the dwelling or building.

To determine if a planning permit is required, contact the Statutory Planning Unit on 03 5320 5640. Alternatively, visit the office located at The Phoenix, 25 Armstrong Street South, Ballarat, Victoria

Permit Details

This septic tank permit is for:
Is the proposed septic tank system intended for private or commercial use?

Council are responsible for the regulation of domestic onsite wastewater systems, please make contact with our office on 03 5320 5702 before proceeding with this application to discuss the appropriate authority to consider your application.

Planning Permit

Do you have a planning permit for the proposed work?
Exemption should be obtained in writing and attached to this application or forwarded to Council's Environmental Health Unit Limited to 30MB. Only image files, Microsoft Word Documents and PDFs are accepted.

Site Details

Street Address

Type of Premises

Please select the type of premises:

Property Owner

Postal Address


Postal Address

Tradesperson Details

Have you engaged a builder?


Postal Address

Have you engaged a surveyor?

Building Surveyor

Postal Address

Have you engaged a septic tank plumber or drainer?

Septic Tank Plumber / Drainer

Postal Address

Have you engaged a sanitary or house plumber?

Sanitary / House Plumber

Postal Address

Building Details

Are your building details not yet available?

Appliances / Fittings: Please note that sink grinders are not permitted.
Water efficient fixtures fittings and appliances are recommended and may be imposed as a permit condition.

Proposed System Components

Please tick what applies

Please Note: This application can be submitted but cannot be processed until a proposed system type is nominated.

Alteration Details

Accompanying Documentation

  • Land Capability Assessment
  • A copy of title
  • Copy of building floor plan
  • An accurate site and locality plan
  • The existing or proposed position of services such as storm water drains, water supply pipes, underground cables, gas pipes and any other services
  • A plan showing the existing building floor plan and septic tank system
  • A plan showing the proposed building floor plan and alterations to septic tank system
Limited to 30MB. Only image files, Microsoft Word Documents and PDFs are accepted.
Have you already provided the required documentation to Council as a part of an associated planning permit application?
Applicants please note:
  • Payment of the prescribed registration fee is required to complete your application. The prescribed fee is determined based on the details within your application, following submission of your application you will be sent a schedule of fees via your nominated email address.


I acknowledge that the information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and I understand that completing works without a relevant permit is an offence.

Collection Statement

Your personal information is being collected by City of Ballarat for the purpose of processing your application for a permit to install or alter a spetic tank in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1970. Your information will be stored in Council’s Customer Database and used to identify you when communicating with Council and for the delivery of services and information. For further information on how your personal information is handled, refer to Council’s Privacy Policy at