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Online Forms

Compliment or feedback

Compliment: City of Ballarat staff are always pleased to get positive feedback when things go well. You may have noticed an improvement in a service you receive or found that a staff member was exceptionally helpful to you. A compliment may relate to an individual or to a piece of work that the City of Ballarat has done, either way, it would be lovely to hear from you.

Feedback: You may wish to give your views on a matter of Council. Feedback may also include suggestions.

Your details

Do you wish to remain anonymous?

Postal address

Are you acting on behalf of someone else?

Actual person's postal address

Compliment or feedback details

Collection Statement

Your personal information is being collected by City of Ballarat for the purpose of processing your compliment and or feedback. Your information will be stored in Council’s Customer Database and used to identify you when communicating with Council and for the delivery of services and information. For further information on how your personal information is handled, refer to Council’s Privacy Policy at